Mauritius has a liberal economic and trade policy, with a trade-to-GDP ratio of 98% (2016). The country is a member of the WTO, as well as many other
regional economic groups (COMESA, SADC, IOC). Mauritius aims to transform the island into an open and globally competitive economy and to fully integrate
it into the world trade system through its trade policies. Comparatively, customs duties are low and the island does not have any trade barriers.
Trading with Mauritius
This section welcomes overseas companies that do trading with Mauritius, and provides them with market and regulatory information to help them export to
Mauritius and import from Mauritius.
Market Intelligence
This section offers a series of trade facilitations tools to help you expand your business overseas, such as country and market information, sources for business
opportunities, import or exports partners databases, landed-cost calculations and more!
Import Division
Export Division
International Trade in Services
Over the last four decades, Mauritius has undergone remarkable structural transformation, with the relative importance of the agricultural sector declining
significantly and that of manufacturing and service sectors increasing considerably. Faced with the challenge of adjusting to the phasing out of trade preferences
in sugar, the country has successfully transformed itself from a low-income economy based on agriculture to a middle-income diversified economy with the services
sector playing a more important and vibrant economic role.