The Government focuses on Water resources management thought proper planning, developing, distributing and managing of water resources. It aims at
optimizing the available natural water flows and is particularly required in the industrial and commercial sectors.
Being responsible for the wastewater sector in Mauritius, WMA plays a vital role in the protection of the environment and in ensuring the country’s sustainable
development through the provision of appropriate water pollution standards, wastewater control systems and management services to the entire population of Mauritius.
Pollution Control
The Pollution Control Unit ensures that all wastewaters from infrastructural and industrial developments are properly managed thereby contributing
to the provision of a high standard of sanitation. To complement the monitoring exercise, the Wastewater Laboratory carries independent sampling and analysis.
Applications for any type of development shall satisfy the appropriate design requirements for the safe management of wastewaters.
House Connection
House Connection involves connecting public, private, religious, commercial and industrial premises within the existing wastewater network following a survey
carried out to determine feasibility of the connection.